Lets Talk Podcasts

Podcasts.  I just started listening to podcasts last year.  I always knew they were there, accessible on my phone, but I just never took the time to figure out what all the buzz and craze was for them.  So yes, I am sounding old and am very late to the party, but now that I finally got here, its all I want to talk about.  Anytime I am driving “to town” or sitting in the school pickup line, or even when doing house work, I now love to tune in and listen to interviews or cometary or sermons.  So as promised in my last post, here are a few of my subscribed picks…most of what I listen to (like 99.9%) is geared towards women, but if you happen to be one of the few guys that reads this (hi Papa, Dad, and My Mr), don’t worry I have a couple thrown in there for you as well.


I’m starting with my absolute all time favorite for women: The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey.  I mentioned discovering her podcast in an earlier post.  From the very first time I listened I was sucked in and started binge listening (yes, just like binge watching Netflix, binge listening is a thing).  Jamie Ivey brings on a guest each week and they just talk about it all.  Picture two women sitting around a table chatting about all things life: Mothering, books, food, adoption, tv shows, church, community, grace, Jesus.  All the while we get to listen, laugh, cry, nod, agree, cringe, and learn right along with them.  Some of her guests have included Jen Hatmaker, Jess Connolly, Jami Nato, Shauna Niequist, Stephaine Holden, Melanie Shankle….yes these are some of my favorites.  People I love to read, follow, listen to.  I am pulling for and have emailed Jamie a request to have Meg Duerksen on, since her blog is how I discovered The Happy Hour.  For you guys, while listening on a regular basis is not advisable, I would encourage you to listen to the two episodes with her husband Aaron Ivey.  He is the only male guest she has had due to the fact it is a happy hour for women.  However, they are so funny and encouraging to hear speak about marriage, parenting, and ministry together.  Each episode of the Happy Hour is full of transparency, authenticity, wisdom, and pure joy.  If you are a woman reading this and you do not listen to any other suggestions here, please give Jamie Ivey a chance and see if you love her as much as I do.

Okay to the moms out there, here are two that are geared specifically to you:  The Busy Mom & God Centered Mom Podcast.   The Busy Mom episodes are quick easy listens, usually under 20/30 minutes.  Heidi St. John talks about all things that go along with motherhood.  Whether it is school, current events, raising Jesus loving kids, or just being weary and tired, she covers it all.  I find her to be funny, encouraging, and real.  The God Centered Mom Podcast, is by Heather MacFadyen who is a fellow boy mom, although she has double my two.  Each episode she brings on fellow women who are authors or speakers and interviews them about mom life.  She shows that there are so many of us that are alike in feeling we are just screwing up this mothering thing, but we have hope and help because Jesus.  They always leave me encouraged and feeling that maybe, just maybe, I am not actually messing my kids up for life.

Okay as promised, here are two that are not intended just for women:  Your Move with Andy Stanley & RELEVANT PodcastAndy Stanley is a pastor and an author, and each episode is only about 30 minutes, so another easy quick listen.  His podcast was actually the very first one that started this whole craze for me.  I used a sermon series of his to listen to while at the gym, then just kept listening to in the car, in the park, at home, on a day off at the coffee shop…all the time. I have been a fan of Andy’s ever since doing a video study series at church a few years back.  Our Sunday school class has actually just stared his Staying in Love video study that I excited to watch.  I love his laid back, non-threating but truth and challenge filled teaching. He also has a leadership podcast, that I have not checked out yet, but am sure it would be just as awesome.   Now with the RELEVANT podcast I have a disclaimer…I have only listened to less then a handful of these, and usually I listen when I just need a noise filler. Or when I’m not 100% vested in paying attention.  Or even when I just need to laugh and catch up on some “newsie” stuff.  This podcast is the creators of RELEVANT magazine, discussing (in their own words) “faith, culture, and intentional living”.  They are a really funny group of people, but may not be for everyone.  In fact the very first time I listened I couldn’t tell if I liked it or if I was just annoyed.  It reminds me of a morning talk show on the radio, talking about all the things from a Christian viewpoint.  They feature music guests in studio and do interviews as well.  They have since grown on me.  I did choose to subscribe to their episodes but again they are not on a regular cycle of listening for me.

What about you?  Do you have any suggestions for my listening pleasure?  If you check out any of the above podcasts I’d love to hear your thoughts.  Happy Friday to all!!

Capturing Life,


PS/Update~ So I just finished listening to The Happy Hour episode #70, and heard that Meg Duerksen is coming to chat with Jamie soon (plus she emailed me back and said the same)!!!  I can not wait to listen in!!


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