Oh, Hey There

Been waaaaay too long since I posted anything.   Here’s a mash-up of My life in pictures and The Robidou Clan happenings from a couple of months back.

Trail walking with Big Bub and Little Bub is one of my very favorite things.  Our little town has several options for walking the trails and exploring the great outdoors.  But of course I am a fair-weather walker…over 80 or under 50? Forgettaboutit.

Sunny days.  Dirt paths.  Trees galore.  Blue skies.  Peaceful Perfection.

My Life With Boys


Another favorite is lake life and skipping rocks

A while back I checked out Jen Hatmaker’s book For the Love  from our library.  I took it everywhere, to read anytime I could.

I highly recommend reading this book, however I do not recommend reading the “Dear Kids” chapter while sitting in the school pick up line…like I may have done (cue all the tears).

Thank you Jen for putting a parent’s wish/dream/prayer for their child into such simple but true words.


I also advise you to avoid reading the “Thank-You Notes” chapters in public for the total opposite reason…cue all the laughing out loud, which I may have done as well.


Oh I can not say enough good about this book.  Basically it is filled with the same message as the print below (from Naptime Diaries): Love God, Love People, That’s All.image

The great flu/fever/something Pratt epidemic of 2016 hit our family, starting with Micah.  Which was actually just in time for me to watch Fuller House on release day, and got through the whole season before I got taken out for five days by said epidemic.


Willing to hold this hand as long as you’ll let me Little Bub.


Random capturing life moment…Just another week night trip to The Walmarts, picking out new lunch pails half way through the school year. And of course we were easily distracted by all the “fancy” stuff.


A FRIYAY date day with My Mr included several little antique shops and lunch in Hutchison.

I don’t think we bought a single thing, but the sights, food, laughter, and conversation was just what we needed.

imageimageDaffodils- hands down my favorite flower and so thrilled that our yard has some bloom each year.  Just a bummer that they don’t bloom very long.


A couple more beautiful weather days meant park play and another trail to explore.

We hadn’t been to a movie since Christmas break, plus we didn’t have any super big plans for the week of Spring Break, so at the beginning of the boys time off we decided to see Zootopia.  The sloths made the whole movie in my book.


So much more has happened since this last picture, including more trial exploring, an impromptu get away with My Mr, a drastic change for my hair, and a diagnosis for my Papa that has me even more thankful and unapologetic that I am a lover of pictures and a Capturer of Life…more on that later.  Until then I’ll be on Instagram over posting about my life in pictures.

Capturing Life,



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